Web developer at Money Forward, inc.
Web developer at Money Forward, inc.
I joined the company in December 2019 as Rails Engineer. I have created two systems. The first is a common ID platform system, which was developed by Rails. Second system is also a common platform system, which was adopted MicroFrontends architecture.
Family man
Family man
I'm married to a Japanese woman. No children yet.
Live in Gifu, Japan
Live in Gifu, Japan
I moved to Gifu from Tokyo for happiness in my life in September 2022.
My favorite Japanese pictures
My favorite Japanese pictures
I love traditional Japan and like traveling across Japan with my wife for the weekend. Here are some of my favorite pictures.
📍Gifu Park (岐阜公園), Gifu prefecture
📍Korankei Gorge (香嵐渓), Aichi prefecture
📍Kasuga Taisha (春日大社), Nara prefecture